Friday, February 28, 2020

February 24th- February 28th

Spelling Words: (We are working on the th digraph)
bath, math, with, path, sloth, cloth, this, that, tenth, moth

In School Field Trip:

This Friday, March 6th is our in school activity with Teacher's Pet.
Thank you to those parents who are able to volunteer. If volunteers could please arrive at 8:45am on Friday morning. The program is approximately 2 hours long. 

Math Fluency Graphs:
Please take a look at your child's Mental Math Fluency chart in your child's Feedback Friday duotang. Each Friday, students are 'tested' on their fact fluency where they are given a set of 20 addition and subtraction questions to solve. The number of questions correct as well as the time taken is recorded onto a graph. The expectation for grade 2 students is to get 17-20 questions correct in 2 minutes. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

February 18th - February 21st

Box of Cool Cards campaign:
Order forms and money are now overdue. They were due on Feb. 20th. Please return any un-purchased sample boxes to the school and any outstanding order forms a.s.a.p!  Thank you so much to those parents who have given their time and efforts to organize this campaign for our school. We appreciate you!

Please ensure that fees for this in school activity are paid by February 29th. 

Thank you to those parents who have already contacted their teachers to volunteer for this activity. We are still looking for volunteers!

If you can help out on the 6th, please email your child's teacher. You must have Security Clearance with the school to help out. Thank you in advance for your support!

THIS WEDNESDAY- February 29th is Pink Shirt day
Students are encouraged to wear pink if they would like.

Here is more information:

1/2 Visual Arts Club THIS WEDNESDAY

Due to space and supplies this club can only accommodate 20 students. Those students who returned signed forms by February 18th were included in a lotteryToday, students received a verbal confirmation to let them know if they are in the Visual Arts Club.

Due to technical issues, club written confirmations will now be sent out on Monday, February 24th with important info/dates about the club.

Spelling Words:
dine, line , mine, nine, pine, shine, vine, swine, spine, twine

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 10th- 12th

Multi-Grade Family Groups
On Wednesday, we gathered together as Family Groups to make Valentine's Cards for the residents of the Silvera Senior Centre. This project allowed us to extend our school empathy goal to our community. We talked about how important it is to show empathy to everyone, even people that we don't know as one student shared "So everyone actually feels special and that they belong in this world."

Spelling Words for next week: 'ight' word family

night, right, tight, sight, light, fight, bright, might, flight, slight

In-School Activity
This week some information (see below) went home regarding an in-school activity that we will be participating in on March 6th. Please ensure that fees for this activity are paid by February 29th. We are also looking for volunteers to support this activity. If you can help out on the 6th, please email your child's teacher. You must have Security Clearance with the school to help out. Thank you in advance for your support.

Enjoy your Family Day weekend. We will see you all on Tuesday, February 18th. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

February 3rd- February 7th

Next Weeks Spelling Words:
Due to a short week ahead we will only be doing 5 words for spelling this week. These are from previous spelling lists and words that we still need to work on.

there, like, have, saw, what

Valentines Exchange:
For all those students who would like to participate, we are having a small Valentines Exchange in the afternoon of Wednesday, February 12th. There are 22 students in the class and for ease of exchange if students can write Dear Friend... and who it is from, that would be greatly appreciated. Please ensure that if you are participating in this exchange, that your child bring a Valentine for each student in the class.

Box of Cool Cards campaign:
One sample box has been issued to each family through their oldest child at the school. Please use this to showcase to friends and family to collect orders for additional boxes.  Order forms and money are due Feb 20. 

Report Card Envelope Return:
By now you will have received your child’s report card. Please take the time to read it, then sign the envelope to show you have reviewed it and return the envelope to the school. The same envelope will be used to sent your child’s last report card home in June.

Jump Rope For Heart:
Ron Southern School will be holding a Heart & Stroke Foundation JUMP Rope For Heart assembly on Monday February 10.  Students will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of heart health and the ways that skipping can provide a quick and effective fitness workout.  Skipping activities will take place during Phys Ed classes, and we would like to offer the opportunity for students and families to fundraise online and collect donations for heart disease and stroke research.
For students and families that may be interested in fundraising, students will receive a donation envelope. For your convenience, there is also an online option for collecting donations. Thank you for your support!
How to get started
1. Visit and Register for JUMP
2. Set up your personal fundraising page
3. Send donation request emails to friends, family and colleagues
If you need assistance, please visit and check out the instructional videos and step by step “how-to” resources.